Welcome to the Back To School Blast hosted by This Flourishing Life, Tailor Made Momma, and Generations Of Savings. This event features items for all of your back to school needs. Each blog participating is giving away a prize or prize pack with a minimum value of $25, and the hosts are giving away prize packs with a total value of $1000!
I am thrilled to be giving away a prize pack to 1 lucky winner that includes these great items:
A 1 year subscription to Early Expert Spanish, a great online game that is engaging and educational.
valued at $24.95 and can be used by 4 children
The winner will also receive a 16 Count Bag of Crayon Rocks
valued at $6.99
And last but not least, if you win you will also receive your choice of a FunBites Cutter
valued at $12.99
Grand Prize:
This Flourishing Life, Generations Of Savings, and Tailor Made Momma are all hosting the grand prizes on their blogs. They are featuring prizes totaling $1000 in back to school gear for all ages. Head on over to their sites to enter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to stop by all these other great blogs to see what awesome prizes they are giving away for your back to school needs!!
Disclaimer: Please note that the Back To School Blast hosts and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prize, but we will make every effort to help the winner in obtaining it.
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