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Saturday, 13 October 2012

Info Post
Five Minute Friday

I came across this fun new-to-me meme hosted by The Gypsy Mama and thought it would be fun to give it a try. The problem is finding 5 minutes of uninterrupted time. 

Here is what 5 Minute Friday is all about:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back to The Gypsy mama and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Each week we will be given a topic to write about. I thought it would be fun to also make this a creative activity for the girls. So I am going to try to use a unit we have studied recently and somehow incorporate it with the topic. Then they will narrate a short story to me while I type. So, not only will I be sharing my writing with this meme, I will be sharing the girls' stories.
This week's topic is:

 So, here I go:

I wasn't exactly sure at first what I would write about in regards to race. Then I thought about the girls and how they turn everything, okay, maybe not everything, into a race. My children seem to need to race each other when they are eating. Not all the time. But if they are eating something they like or if they are trying to get done first they will finish and say that they won. I try to explain to them that eating is not a race. They also have been known to turn getting dressed into a race. I know hubby and I help them along in order to keep them moving. We will even have the baby join in by seeing if I can get him dressed first. Sometimes this is easier said than done. I'm sure you understand, what with all those snaps and sometimes buttons up and down a baby's outfit. In fact that reminds me of a diaper changing race I took place in at a baby shower. There were four (or was it three?) teams who were to line up and take turns changing a diaper blindfolded. 

And here is the girls' topic. 
Tell me a story about some children who raced to the moon (Moon was our topic a couple of weeks ago).

Tabitha's story.
First they got in their rocket ships because there was one for each kid. In the rocket ship there was buttons. To sew them on broken dresses that buttons get off. They saw meteors. They also saw the planets. But Fluffy's rocket ship broke. Fluffy's rocket ship broke because a meteor hit it which means she had to fix it. Then Susie won the race to the moon. They are going to race back to earth. Fluffy was on a rocket ship in the middle of fixing it. This time Fluffy won the race to earth because she fixed it into a speed rocket ship, speedier than the others.
The End

Amelia's Story.
Every body except for grown up children that are too big wouldn't come to the race to the moon. Then the moon was setting and the sun came up. To get to the moon they were going to set too. They flew down to set, like the moon. Well, then the teeny children went onto the moon and they lived happily after ever home. That's the end of my story.
The End


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