Breaking News
Friday, 2 November 2012

Info Post
This is My Letter To the World is a recital that the soprano Rebekah Alexander will present today, November 3, in Sudbury:
"This is my letter to the world"
Recital tour with classical guitarist David McLellan
All-English program featuring music by Leisner, Britten, Dodgson, and Berkeley
October 13 - House Concert, Hudson, MA
October 27 - House Concert, Sudbury, MA
November 3 - Concert at Memorial Congregational Church, 7:30pm
November 10 - Greater Boston House Concerts , 7:30pm
November 18 - Vaughan Recital Series  (Dartmouth), 4:00pm
According to the Sudbury Town Crier:
The musical settings draw poetry from ancient China (in English translation), Emily Dickinson, Emily Brontë, Gene Scarmellino, Walter de la Mare, and John Clare. Alexander, a strong proponent of contemporary classical music, conceived of the program.
“We want to express the drama and intensity of the poetry, without forgetting the light-heartedness of some texts, and the sheer humor and satire of others,” she says. “The range of emotional expression is vast – from Britten’s crafting of the noble reflections of the ancient Chinese, through the brooding of Berkeley’s setting of de la Mare’s dreamily imaginative poems; from the naturist quality, but politically satirical insanity of John Clare (set by Dodgson), to the intense introspection of Dickinson, Brontë, and others, so beautifully cast by the young American guitarist/composer David Leisner.”


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