Breaking News
Monday 12 November 2012

Info Post
A press release from the Brontë Parsonage Museum:

Wuthering Heights 2011 to be shown on the big screen in Haworth for one night only

Andrea Arnold’s 2011 film adaptation of Emily Brontë’s classic novel ‘Wuthering Heights’ will be screened in Haworth on Friday 23 November, 7.30pm, at the West Lane Baptist Centre. The gritty film is a minimalist take on Emily Brontë’s novel which strips away the traditional conventions of a period drama. Featuring a cast of unknown actors, and depicting a mixed race Heathcliff for the first time on screen, the film’s cinematography by Robbie Ryan foregrounds the wild, brooding Yorkshire landscape and the soundtrack is taken purely from nature. With a limited cinema release last year, this is another chance to see the film on the big screen if you missed it the first time around!

The screening is a collaboration between the Brontë Parsonage Museum and Haworth Cinema. The film has been programmed to coincide with the landscape exhibition Ways to the Stone House, currently on display at the Brontë Parsonage Museum. Haworth Cinema successfully turns Haworth’s Baptist church into a cinema twice every month to show a programme of new releases.

The novel has been adapted for film and television many times, including the 1939 Hollywood version starring Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon, and the 1997 version when Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche took on the title roles. Andrea Arnold took a very different approach to the book, filming in North Yorkshire using hand held cameras, and casting mainly non-professional actors, including unknown Leeds actor James Howson who took the lead role of Heathcliff, and was the first black actor to play the part on screen.

Tickets are £3 on the door; no need to book in advance.  Certificate 15.
Curiously today, November 13, the film is screened in Ede, Netherlands after a brief presentation:

De filmklassieker Wuthering Heights staat dinsdag 13 november op het programma van de tweede filmhuismiddag in Cultura. Nieuw dit seizoen in Cultura is deze serie verfilmingen van gerenommeerde boeken. In oktober werd de eerste film gezien door een enthousiast publiek. De tweede film in deze serie is de Wuthering Heights naar het boek van Emily Brontë.
De serie bestaat uit een aantal kwalitatief goede films, zowel klassiekers als recente films. Filmdocent Mark Meuldijk verzorgt voorafgaand aan iedere film een inleiding, waarin boek en film naast elkaar worden gelegd. De visie en interpretatie van de filmmaker worden onder de loep genomen. Welke keuzes heeft hij of zij gemaakt en wat betekent dat voor de lezer en kijker? Wat doet de film met de kijker? Na afloop en in de pauze is er tijd voor een drankje en napraten over de film.  (Via Ede Stad) (Translation)


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