Positioning Gender and Race in (Post)colonial Plantation Space Connecting Ireland and the Caribbean
Eve Walsh Stoddard
Series: Critical Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Culture
Palgrave Macmillan
09 Nov 2012
ISBN: 9780230113725
The Ethics of Gender in the (Post)colonial Plantation Space (sic) uses the Anglophone Caribbean and Ireland to examine the complex inflections of women and race as articulated in-between the colonial discursive and material formations of the eighteenth century and those of the (post)colonial twentieth century, as structured by the defined spaces of the colonizers’ estates. Using the history and geography, memory and place signified by the remnants of the plantation system, the author will analyze the particular instantiations of women emerging as agents in the similarities and differences of particular post-colonial situations.
Containing Transnational Flows/Intertextuality: the Big House as Feminine Prison: Castle Rackrent, Belvedere House, Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea.
Containing S.Sommerfeld, A Battle on Two Fronts: Wuthering Heights and Adapting the Adaptation.Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan ProductionsRemake/Remodel
Edited by Kathleen Loock and Constantine Verevis
Palgrave Macmillan
23 Oct 2012
ISBN: 9781137263346
This book provides a dynamic investigation of processes of cultural reproduction – remaking and remodelling – in film, television and new media. Drawing on a wide variety of Hollywood and other examples, this impressive group of contributors considers a wide range of film adaptations, remakes and fan productions from various industrial, textual and critical perspectives. Their case studies discuss new versions of popular texts such as The Manchurian Candidate, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Stepford Wives. They provide new perspectives on the unlimited cultural production of classics likeThe Wizard of Oz, Wuthering Heights and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and they analyze the groundbreaking work of fan appropriations, including Batman and Spiderman fanvids, and fanfic trailer revisions for The Shining and television's The Adventures of Merlin.
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