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Sunday, 1 July 2012

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Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Sunset, Sweet, Hanging Around, Funny Face and Space


Didn't get many chances to be outside at sunset this week. But this was the sun going behind the nearby houses while we were out playing in the sprinkler.

I almost took pictures of donuts again, and then I remembered I had these yummy, sweet cherries sitting in the refrigerator. 

 Hanging Around
I was lucky to have taken the time to check the scavenger hunt list before going for my walk with baby Harold while the girls were in VBS. Loved the hanging flowers in front of this building and the bricks behind it with the light all rolled into one.

 Funny Face
Couldn't really get Hannah to give me a funny face, but it sort of looks funny with the Fluff on her cheek.

The town where we go to VBS and playgroup is the town I used to live in when Steven and Floyd were just tiny little guys (this was before Krystal was born). This playground didn't used to be there. But someone must have thought the space between these two buildings would make a great spot for a play area. So glad they did. We are not there that often, but both this year and last year while the older ones were in VBS we used this playground to pass away the time.

Now onto 
June Photo a Day

Day 24: On Your Mind
One of the big things on my mind was getting my sign up form ready for my Back to Preschool Giveaway Blast.

 Day 25: Something Cute
Had to be a picture of the baby of course. Just loved how cute he looked all snuggled into daddy's shoulder.

 Day 26: Where You Shop
Well, we sort of shop across the street. This view is from our bedroom window.

 Day 27: Bathroom
A bit of a view from the mirror.

 Day 28: On the Shelf
Once again, a shot I took while the girls were in VBS. This shelf sits outside the flower shop. I thought the sign on the bird feeder was cute too, so I wanted to capture the whole image. It says, "Bed and Breakfast."

 Day 29: Soft
Baby Harold with his soft teddy blankey.

 Day 30: A Friend
Tabitha with her friend Flower the Elephant. She is sort of still missing her April bear who is at Bear Camp at the Library for Summer Reading Program (you can read about that here). She got Flower for her birthday. 

 And linking up my favorite photo:

(I just love the smile Harold is giving Hannah. We just recently got the swing to work so I can have a little free time. I also love that Hannah is sharing with her baby brother.)


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


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