Breaking News
Thursday, 16 August 2012

Info Post
We thought that after almost seven years surfing the net to bring you all the Brontë around we had seen it all. Apparently not. We find that the Brontë reference in this itinerant children production is particularly weird:
Z Puppets Rosenschnoz
Monkey Mind Pirates

Tap into the power of puppets, tap and yoga to navigate the stormy seas of stress.
The unruly pirates of  Monkey Mind can hijack our brain with anxiety, distraction and negative messages.
Sail into the waters of calm with Cap'n Fitz as he discovers the secrets of taming the Monkey Mind Pirates.
This puppetry-rock-yoga adventure combines playfulness with mindfulness to turn the whole family's arrgh's  into oom's.
The performance can be paired with a week-long artist residency where students learn puppetry, songwriting, mindfulness and yoga and perform alongside Z Puppets in the show.
According to Mankato Free Press, one of the Monkey Mind Pirates is... Emily Brontë:
At Friday’s performance, the gist of the show will be this: A sea captain sets sail for the Legendary Waters of Calm. But en route, he gets sidetracked by a series of bugaboos known as Winston (named for Winston Churchill, who suffered from depression) Ansel (named for Ansel Adams, who suffered from attention deficit disorder) and Brontë (named for Emily Brontë, who suffered from anxiety). (Robb Murray)
We rather think that they are not talking about Harold Bloom's anxiety of influence...


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