I decided this would be fun to link up to as I am always taking pictures. I use some for Wordless Wednesday, some for the Scavenger Hunt Sunday (also hosted by Ashley) and some in my homeschool posts (the weekly review and the Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen posts), but sometimes there are pictures I would love to share that just didn't find a way into a post.
Here are some I have taken recently:
The girls love and search out every opportunity possible to hold their brother.
He loves playing with his feet...
And with the safety strap on the stroller.
I had baby Harold in the Bumbo so I could get lessons ready and Hannah kept circling him.
I love the way he contemplates things.
Yes, he unties my shoelaces already.
I'm starting to get a little teary eyed seeing how fast he is growing up. Almost sitting already.
Love his expression as he plays with sissy and "Alien Dude" (also known as a Whoozit).
Sitting up with daddy at Playgroup.
He seemed to enjoy this little electronic noise maker.
Hannah carrying our bag of lunch down to the house where we were having a picnic with some playgroup friends.
I don't think we planted these sunflowers soon enough. We only ended up with 2 that are doing anything. There is one behind Tabitha (out of the picture) that maybe comes up to her knees.
The decided to put on a show about the 3rd day of Creation.
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