1. An essay (or biography) about Charlotte Brontë by Hiroshi Nakaoka, who has translated several Brontë biographies, letters and Emily Brontë poetry:
『ジェーン・エア』の作者って、どんな人? シャーロット・ブロンテの素顔
What is the author of "Jane Eyre", what kind of person? Famous Charlotte Brontë
中岡 洋 著 ( Hiroshi Nakaoka )
ISBN 978-4-7791-1803-6 C0098
June 11, 2012
ジェーン・エア』の作者って誰? と訊かれれば、ほとんどの人は「ブロンテ!?」と答えるだろう。英文学に素養のある人は「シャーロット・ブロンテ」という名前で、ペンネームは「カラー・ベル」だったと答える方もいるだろう。 さらに詳しい人は名前が普通でなくて、語尾に「ë」が付いていることまで教えてくれる。 しかし、どんな人って? と訊かれると、答えはなかなか容易ではない。 さて、少しばかり調べてみてはどうであろうか。
(In the absolute advantage male society, appeared under the pseudonym of "Currer Bell", Easy-to-understand guide that drew era and way of life living in Charlotte Brontë was left behind a shining milestone in the history of English literature.
Who is the author of Jane Eyre "? If asked, would answer, "Brontë?" Most people.
Named "Charlotte Brontë" People with sophistication in English literature,
Some people would answer that it was "color" bell pseudonym.
For more people the name is not common,
Taught me to be with a "ë" to ending.
However, What kind of person? When asked, the answer is not quite easy.
Well, what about I try to find out a little bit.)

2. Another essay about the Brontës' fiction and poetry:
ブロンテ姉妹の文学―詩と小説(内なる葛藤の記録)Brontë sisters literature - poetry and (records of internal conflict)
Naoko Fujiki (藤木 直子)
Publisher: Library Osaka Kyoiku (2011/12)
ISBN-13: 978-4271210115
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