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Wednesday 12 September 2012

Info Post
Welcome to my 3rd week of "Wittle People Wednesday," the new linky hosted by Ashley of Ramblings and Photos by Ashley Sisk. (I sort of skipped a week.)

wittle people wednesday button

I decided this would be fun to link up to as I am always taking pictures. I use some for Wordless Wednesday, some for the Scavenger Hunt Sunday (also hosted by Ashley) and some in my homeschool posts (the weekly review and the Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen posts), but sometimes there are pictures I would love to share that just didn't find a way into a post.

Here are some recent pictures of my "Wittle People."

Baby Harold really wanted a drink of daddy's coffee.

He is doing a lot better sitting up now:

Hannah decided it would fun to sit in a box.


The other night she decided to pile the toys up in the middle of the room and lay on them. Looks a bit uncomfortable to me.

It is no longer safe to put Mr. Nosy Wigglepuss on the table to feed him. So, mommy needs to sit on the floor and feed him while the rest of the children are eating at the table. The towel is my "bib." If I did not protect myself I would be covered in baby food because he thinks it is just grand to blow raspberries while he has food in his mouth.


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