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Monday 6 August 2012

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Muffin Tin Monday at

This week is VBS at our church and the theme is: Take Me to the Water: God's Love Flows.
Yesterday they learned about Moses hitting the rock in the wilderness and God provided water for the Israelites. I was not sure what else is coming up this week, but I wracked my brains for some Bible stories I know involve life giving water to make this week's muffin tin.

They had banana nut muffin rocks with Jello Jiggler water flowing into the bottom muffin cup.
Then they had a cucumber boat filled with 3 grape people representing Jesus and his disciples on a boat in the middle of the lake during the storm. Jesus calms the storm.
Next is a salmon salad sandwich shaped like a fish.
I put some watermelon and cheese boats in the water. I cut them out with my new Luv It! FunBites Cutter. The pool of Jello water also represents the pool where Naham gets healed in the cleansing water. 
More fishies. 
A plastic cup with "Life Water" (No really, it's SoBe Life Water) and a Mini Reese's Peanut Butter cup bucket for the well.
The little cheese and watermelon hearts are from the FunBites cutter.

Here's a closer look at our stream of water.

And the cucumber boat with grape people.

And the well.

Tabitha thought it would be fun to have the fish swim in the water. Guess I should have seen that coming.


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